Behind Gali

Behind Gali

Who's behind the screen of this shop?
Well my name is Daliz and I started this project on August 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, since my job at that time closed permanently. I worked there for 8 years and, aside from being a shock, it affected me as well as many other people that lost their jobs on such a rough year. After thinking about it, I finally decided to stand up stronger knowing this time was going to be different, because success was not guaranteed. I decided to start working hard without anything in mind but creating a small business that could potentially become something big overtime. So with that being said, here I am, two years and a few months later writing a little "about us" section for this business. The thing is, I look back and it makes myself proud of all the little steps I took and all the little and big achievements I reached. So I hope my story can reach people who have been in places like mine, have hit rock bottom and yet dare to undertake and fight for their dreams.

It's not going to be easy but you have to set up your goals, strategies, planification and GO FOR IT!

With love,
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